July 8, 2019
Have a wonderful summer break! We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, August 27th.

May 21, 2019
On June 5, 2018, voters within the Hueneme Elementary School District voted to approve Measure B to authorize the District to issue general obligation bonds to finance certain spe...

May 8, 2019
At the April 22, 2019 Governing Board Meeting, Resolution, B18-19-14 was adopted to recognize and CELEBRATE all Hueneme Elementary School District staff. May 8, 2019 is the Calif...

May 1, 2019
Parents and guardians can use test score reports to better understand their children's strengths and areas in need of improvement. Follow the links to find out more.
Starting S...

April 24, 2019
Thank you to all the amazing Hueneme ESD Administrative Professionals! Your outstanding work is much appreciated. You are the best!!!

April 19, 2019
Once a year, the Mason's of Anacapa Lodge #710 recognize two outstanding employees from each school in the Hueneme Elementary School District, one classified and one certificated ...

March 5, 2019
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Education of the Hueneme Elementary School District at a Regular Board Meeting to be held at the City of Port Hueneme Council Chambers, 250...

February 22, 2019
Did you know that the performing arts are being taught all over the Hueneme Elementary School District. Through the district's Local Control Accountability Plan, every school rec...

February 5, 2019
Hueneme ESD loves our school counselors! We are so fortunate in Hueneme to have full time counselors at all 11 schools. Funding is provided through our Local Control and Accou...

January 29, 2019
Sunkist Elementary made the "Top 10" list for money raised by schools in Southern California that participated in the Pennies for Patients campaign. Not only were they in the top ...

January 29, 2019
Last night at a special meeting of the Governing Board, Siugen Constanza was selected to fill the board seat left vacant by Vianey Lopez, who was elected to the Oxnard City Cou...

September 7, 2018
Staff were welcomed back to school on Monday, August 27th at our annual Hueneme ESD Shine event. The event began with an opening video starring staff and students from HESD. Cli...

August 31, 2018
Congratulations to Betty Angulo, Personnel Technician, Irma Villanueva, Sr. Director of Educational Projects, and Tom McNish, Teacher, for being selected as Hueneme Elementary Sch...

August 28, 2018
This summer all light bulbs districtwide were replaced with energy efficient LED lights. In addition, many of the classrooms now have dimmable lights. This upgrade was paid for ...

August 21, 2018
Dear Hueneme Elementary School Community:
Welcome to the 2018-2019 school year. This year promises to be one of our best!
With the first day of school quickly approaching, o...
August 16, 2018
We are very excited to announce a new S.T.E.M. elective at both Blackstock and E.O. Green Junior High Schools.
STEM is an elective for students designed to support learners i...

August 15, 2018
Did you know that many teachers in our district utilize flexible seating? Flexible Furniture allows students to collaborate better, to stand at times, to move while learning, and...

August 14, 2018
This summer the office at Haycox Elementary School is undergoing a complete remodel. This project is part of the district-wide effort to increase safety and security at all our o...

May 26, 2018
VISION: Inspiring and empowering every student to thrive every day
MISSION: We will Inspire our students to explore, dream big, and develop social and civic responsibili...